February 22, 2022
LiveScience recently published insight featuring Carey Morewedge, Professor of Marketing, on his research examining how often people eat the same meal every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the reasoning behind it.
The article outlines Carey and his co-researchers’ findings after analyzing food diaries from 2,624 people in France and 1,275 people in the United States. From their study, the researchers found that psychological, biological, and cultural factors likely influence meal choice. The authors looked closely into the correlation between circadian rhythms and eating schedules, concluding that this pattern of behavior is influenced by two goals. The utilitarian philosophy emphasizes practicality, while the hedonist philosophy emphasizes pleasure. Carey explains that even though culture, biology and psychology make it seem natural to seek utilitarian goals for breakfast, “we can pursue pleasure and seek variety if we set our mind to it,”