August 28, 2022
Radio Health Journal recently published a segment featuring Rena Conti, Associate Professor of Markets, Public Policy, and Law, discussing her recent research focused on generic drug production.
Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute reported recently that 66% of U.S. adults use prescription drugs. High competition in the drug market has resulted in the growth of generic drugs, which are also licensed by the Food & Drug Administration. Because of the high cost of brand name drugs, consumers tend to prefer these cheaper, more accessible generic drugs despite less public information about their origins. Rena and her co-researchers examined this phenomenon, stating,
“What I have been concerned about is that there appear to be some significant challenges with transparency. Most notably, American consumers can find out where their food is made, where many other things that they use everyday are made, and who they’re made by. But, the US consumers don’t actually know who are making very intimate important consumer products who keep ourselves well – prescription drugs – and we cant shop for quality here because we really don’t know where these products were made, and by whom”